Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ok, the cheerleader's saved ... now what?

I'll admit it: I'm addicted to Heroes, the new "X-Men-kinda-sorta-with-a-twist-and-we-ALSO-have-a-comic-book" series currently airing on NBC. Tonight was (supposed) to be the night that we all learned what was meant by the show's catch phrase:

Save the cheerleader ... save the world ...
I watched it and (like all previous episodes) it was well written. But ... I'm still waiting: the cheerleader's been saved ... what about the world? I hate marketing hype that blatantly lies.  But, I hate myself even more for believing it.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Being a Leader ... for Dummies

Here's a definition of the word "leader" I heard once some time ago:

A leader is a person who:
  • figures out which way the crowd is going
  • takes a shortcut across a field
  • gets out ahead of them
  • makes them believe he/she is leading the way
By that definition ... and that definition alone ... Bush is a true leader.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Nick Bradbury mentioned it. Chris Pirillo blogged about it last week. Today's the day:

Who you going to vote against?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Ahh ... Alaska

I'm finally getting caught up and am uploading photos I took back in June of my trip to Alaska. My dad and I went up for some salmon fishing outside of Soldatna.

Alaska 2006 disk 1 081
Plus, it gives me a chance to experiment with Zooomr, a new Flickr competitor.

Just one more day

Man, these mid-term, mid-stream, mid-section, mid-whatever elections are almost over, and it couldn't come fast enough.  Hang on, everybody, we've got one more day of candidates berating each other before we can lapse back into the coma called "politics as usual".

I don't hear much about what a candidate stands for anymore, just about what their competition is either against (in case it's a "good thing") or for (if it's a "bad thing").  That may seem odd at first, but remember this:  if politicians never say exactly where they stand, they never have to be accused of lying when they change their minds:

"I never said I was (for/against) that ... I just said that my opponent was (against/for) it."
Makes perfect sense when you think about it.