Thursday, July 11, 2002

The Experiment Begins ...

Been meaning to get this section up and running for some time. The concept of blogging has always intrigued me ... and apparently as I get older I'm getting more opinionated and less concerned about keeping quiet. I spent some time looking at the many options to blog out there and settled on Movable Type for a couple reasons:

  • I wanted to be able to run this blog off my own server (an opportunity to play and explore)
  • It's in Perl, a language I know
  • It's free, and with this being my own little corner of the world, why pay for the right to excercise free speech?
Finally, this is yet another experiment, in that I'm using MT to generate ASP.NET pages (taking advantage of .NET's coding capabilities). What that means to this app is pretty limited right now ... but we'll see.